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Inspired by Pangeo Carta and a love for geography, I began to dabble in topics related and came across a curious notion on a youtube video, MICRONATIONS. The idea that anyone could create and govern their own country, but it did not even have to be recognized for you to do so, even though it’s seen as illegitimate, you can still revel in creating a world for yourself within the world, an exclave for the self. SO, in realizing this, drafted a declaration of independence and made the notion that the TYRANNO REPUBLIC was now in existence within the borders of various nations. Deciding the borders myself based on places that my inspiration comes from and that hold personal value to me, such as my birthplace. Now the TG&C had a founding nation to give itself fun and quirky address to. The Republik purely exists to give the company a ground in which to base its heritage and functions only to promote the idea of free speech. Not conjoined to any political party or ideology that exists, it purely exists as its own entity, and sits alone

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